20/05/2016 Athens Coffee Festival eng

Athens Coffee Festival

More than 15 kilos of espresso, 400 bottles of Iced Brew and many other of Cascara Spritz were consumed during the Athens Coffee Festival. Taf offered amazing espresso shots in the new irresistible Pb MP Linea of La Marzocco, which debuted in the Athenian festival in the counter of Taf. Baristas who used it, enjoyed the fact that the had total control in extraction and accuracy in pre- infusion, while they admitted that it is an excellent tool for any professional. Besides the new machinery, Taf presented its cold filter coffee, the Iced Brew, in bottles of two serves. The extraction is similar to the way filter coffee is prepared in V60, however, the coffee is extracted directly on ice, a process that allows coffee to develop and maintain all the aromatic and flavor characteristics. Additionally, in cooperation with the Trap bar and Kintsugi Project, we offered Cascara Spritz, a variant of the Italian aperitivo made with cascara and Aperol, slightly carbonated, refreshing feeling with amazing and distinctive flavor. The award-winning baristas prepared brews with the new crop of Juliette, the Geisha from Panama by Ninety Plus, while the producer Joseph Brodsky found himself at the festival, presented the company’s schedule and then the film “Makers”.