Taf’s direct relationship program is the fundamental value and the basis on which a long-term relationship of trust and honesty with our partners has been built.
One of the basic principles on which the taf direct relationship program is based on, is the support to the people we work with and the people of the local communities. Thus, Yiannis Taloumis, who is often visiting the coffee communities, and is also maintaining regular communication with them, is always willing to take actions that will bring positive changes in the lives of our associates and their families.
Through the direct relationship program, taf now supports dozens of orphans at the Ardent Children’s Center in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia. Yirgacheffe is part of the Sidamo region, but it’s sub-divided into its own trademarked micro-region due to its exceptional coffees. With this initiative, taf actively supports the orphan children of the Ardent Children’s Center to provide them with a safe and happy childhood, and help them become useful members of the coffee community.
The human relationships that have been created through the direct relationship program are based on sincere, continuous interest and consistency, with the result that each project supported by taf, not only has a financial impact on the immediate recipients of local communities, but empowers the people of the community, who feel the support of their partners.