Taf served 2 specialty coffees at the LM Espresso Bar, during the World Cezve Ibrik Championship that took place 5-8 September in Istanbul. Taf with the baristas Stavros Domatiotis and Chris Loukakis served to visitors the espresso competition blend and the single origin coffee Mococa Brazil.
Taf organized also 2 education seminars, green coffee & cupping introduced by Yiannis Taloumis and latte art by Chris Loukakis!
We would like to congratulate the organizer of the World Championship and Taf’s partner in Turkey Aysin Aydogdu for the excellent organization as well as the winners of the World Cezve Ibrik Championship!
1st place Turgay Yildizli (Turkey)
2nd place Stavros Lamprinidis (Greece)
3rd place Amy Gage Yildizli (USA)