Costa Rica (03/03/13)
Even though I visit Costa Rica every year, every time I consider it special. The work that is been done at the mills is dynamic. The last years we have created strong relationships with certain micromills from which we buy coffee every year. Therefore, we have the possibility to see all this work. Such a micromill is Zalmari. For the last 3 years, this mill gives us great coffee. During this trip I had the time to visit Cecilia the owner again, the mill as well as the farm. Cecilia analyzed some issues regarding coffee plantations. The mills Herbazu and Sin Limites are still our good partners. Apart from these close partnerships, we always create new ones such as with the farms La Lia, Granitos de Ortiz, La Perla, Don Jose and Helsar.
Honduras 06-09/09/13
Travelling from Costa Rica to Honduras the next day I had the chance to meet with Erwin. Erwin and his family started a new project in Rio Bonito. We reached the farm by car from the town San Pedro Sula. The mill is being renovated at this time. We saw the plots and the ecosystem which is extraordinary. From the exceptional cupping table that we had I select ed the lot 007 that we are awaiting. The terrace outside the cupping room had an excellent view. The area is qualified for specialty coffee production and Erwin’s experience regarding the mills procedure is great. The first lot 004 as well as the one we are expecting are both very good.
Nicaragua – Matagalpa 06-09/09/13
We passed the borders between Honduras and Nicaragua and in one hour and a half we were in Matagalpa with a stop for coffee and lunch. From the Mierisch family we buy coffee from the farm Mama Mina since 2009 as well as Pacamara and JavaNica lots from sister farms. We reached the mill Don Esteban. They focus on the traceability that is part of Heleana’s Mierisch work. This mill is very close to Matagalpa. In that area the central offices as well as Erwin’s father infirmary are located. I had the opportunity to see the lots from the new production at the cupping room and some of these microlots will be included in the Fincas Mierisch aution on the 25th of April.
Los Placeres
The name of this farm gives you an idea of what you can expect to see. In this farm they select only the best coffee beans that will become seeds for the new trees. The younger trees together with the older ones are harmoniously and create an excellent microclimate. An important detail is the evaluation of the best coffee beans that will become seeds for the new trees. We crossed the farm in 3 hours riding horses and Erwin’s father was explaining the experiments that they make with new plantations and new varieties. Coffee rust can be considered as a negative in the area but also generally in South America. The largest damage took place at the farm limoncillo and as a result they had to cut many trees. For the farm Los Placeres we had bought Pacamara coffee and this time we bought Natural Javanica.
Awaiting the new lots from old as well as new partner mills from Costa Rica, the lot from Honduras, the microlot from Nicaragua as well as the results from the online auction.
Yiannis Taloumis