Month / January 2017

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  • 31/01/2017 Taf on TV

    The tv show Pyrgos Athinon along with the journalist Angela Stamatiadou visited Taf Roastery. In the interview with Yiannis Taloumis, CEO and Head of Quality, they discussed all about superior quality coffee,…
  • 24/01/2017 Yiannis Taloumis presenting Taf at post-graduate students

    Yiannis Taloumis presenting Taf at post-graduate students On December 9th, the CEO and Head of Quality of Taf, Yiannis Taloumis, was invited by the students of the Economic University of Athens, of…
  • 24/01/2017 Visit from the students of Texas Christian University

    Visit from the students of Texas Christian University Students from the Christian University of Texas visited taf coffee headquarters toget to know its business plan. They attended a presentation by CEO and…