Our taf coffee shop, located at Emmanouil Mpenaki street, in the heart of Athens, celebrates its 10 years anniversary.
When 10 years ago (in 2009) we opened taf coffee shop, the coffee culture in Athens but also on the rest of Greece was very different compared to nowadays, with terminologies and definitions that are widely known now such as single estate, cup profile etc and then were completely uknown.
Our action to open taf coffee shop in 2009 in one of the busiest places of the city, was much more than the opening of a high quality coffee shop or of a point of retail sales of our products. In fact, it was the outward looking in a world of coffee culture.
taf coffee shop is a place where knowledge about coffee is shared, with a strong personality, it is a place with passion for coffee. Here you will feel comfortable with the people offering you the best cup of your day.
taf coffee is a place designed in such a way to highlight the cozy, friendly and warm concept that we have created, a unique coffee experience that communicates taf’s direct relationship program.
Through communication with educated and award-winning baristas, consumers can select the taste profile that they prefer and learn more about the beverage they are about to drink. Information such as where the coffee came from, its producer, its processing, the farm where it was cultivated, the altitude, the region, the growing practices are all available through open conversation. The experience that the consumer receives is not only a taste experience, but it can also create images.
The last stage before the perfect cup is preparation. During this stage barista’s role is the most important. Our barista team, by participating and winning in national and world championships has achieved not only to offer the perfect cup but also to play a major role in the total consumer experience.
At taf coffee, we often organize open taste experience events where we present our new coffee arrivals and give the opportunity to our customers to taste exceptional coffees.
taf coffee is the flagship store of a company focused on offering a complete coffee experience through high quality products and services. So we are committed to offering high-quality products and services for the best customer service experience.