On 16-19 / 11 we attended the most prestigious design show of the year, the 100% Hotel Show, where we presented the top solutions for hotel owners, restaurants and villas. With the innovative Modbar by La Marzocco, GS3 or Mini Linea of the same brand, hand brew station, and premium Suki Tea tea, we have proposed complete solutions for each hotel owner and villa owner.
At the espresso bar we served the excellent Helsar Magdalena coffee from Costa Rica and the blend Pianeta Light Blue.
At the brew bar we prepared the amazing La Clemencia from Costa Rica, Galaretta from Peru and the blend Premium Estate. We also offered the excellent Hariti from Ethiopia using Iced Brew!
At the same time, we were at the 100% Hotel Lounge supporting the 100% Hotel Show with the excellent Pianeta Light Blue!